Cabo San Lucas and Los Cabos area charities provide help and assistance to those in need. Funds are raised to help with medical needs for the children of the area, to help educate low-income children, to promote humane treatment for domestic animals, provide funds for cancer research, emergency fire and rescue services and more.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings
Group meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in English are held various locations in Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo, Todos Santos and surrounding areas.
Amigos de los Niños - Amigos de los Niños, A.C.
Providing Quality Medical Care to Children; Calle Arrecife Mza. 37 Lote 3, Fraccionamiento Aurora. Ph: (624) 144-3195, 144-3495; Fax: (624) 105-0005. [email protected]
Bomberos Voluntarios – Volunteer Fire Department
If you want to help our volunteer fire department with equipment, call 143-9000, 143-3577. Camino Viejo a San José in front of McDonalds, CSL; 24-hour emergency calls; Phone: 143-9000, 143-3577.
Cruz Roja Mexicana Cabo San Lucas – Mexican Red Cross
The Cruz Roja Mexicana is the 24-hour rescue and ambulance service for all of México and is not funded by the government. Since our services are free of charge to anyone in need, we exist solely by donations. CSL Hwy. Todos Santos, Km 121 Col. Ejidal Ph. (624) 143-3300, 7869.
Cruz Roja Mexicana La Paz – Mexican Red Cross in La Paz
The Cruz Roja Mexicana La Paz is a rescue and ambulance service that is not funded by the government. We exist solely by donations.
Helping Baja's Sea Turtles
The Campamento Tortuguero Don Manuel Orantes is a turtle monitoring and hatchling release program with a protected nursery on the beach next to the San Jose del Cabo estuary. Run by the Los Cabos municipal government, a core group of staff led by a biologist patrol the beaches for turtle activity. Sea turtle monitoring, nurseries, and hatchling release programs are helping to improve sea turtle survival rates in Los Cabos. Ph. (612) 125-7824. E-mail: [email protected] ;
Humane Society of Cabo San Lucas
The Humane Society of Cabo San Lucas, A.C. is a group of men and women, both foreign and national, dedicated to the humane treatment of the domestic animals in Cabo San Lucas and Los Cabos. Visitors & volunteers are welcome.
Humane Society of San Jose del Cabo - C.A.R.E.
Animal Shelter - Since 2004 C.A.R.E. has performed close to 500 spays and neuters, found good homes for over 300 abandoned animals and we currently care for over 50 animals in our shelter. We depend on public donations. San Jose del Cabo - Baja California Sur, Mexico. Km. 38 Transpeninsular Highway, San Jose Viejo. Phone. (624) 130 3171; [email protected] ;
Los Cabos Children Foundation, A.C.
Providing assistance to children, families, and support organizations in Los Cabos; Mex. Ph. (624) 144-3195. U.S. Ph. (605) 275-6305. [email protected] ;
Los niños del Capitán, A. C. - Captains Kids
Hope Rising from the Sea - Non-profit civil association and day-care center for children of single parents, providing breakfast and lunch, and medical, dental and psychological care. Donations are tax deductible. Mza. 89, Lote 5, 2da etapa Meza Colorada. Ph. (624) 173-3807 [email protected] (Spanish) [email protected] (English)
Liga M.A.C., A.C
Is a registered Mexican charitable organization. We are made up of Mexican, American and Canadian members. We organize fundraising events in order to assist members of the San Jose del Cabo community. “Mano con mano” is a helping hand offered to a hand in need. Liga M.A.C., A.C., Centro de Apoyo Liga MAC; Ph. (624) 120-1060. Fax: (624) 120-1070. ; [email protected]
The International Community Foundation (ICF)
Handles the Palapa Society Fund, which supports the Palapa Society of Todos Santos, A.C. and other non-profits in Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Project Kidsmart Cabo San Lucas
Because a Little Help Goes a Long Way - Los Cabos Optimist Clubs Give the gift of a better future to a child. We help bright kids from low-income families stay in school. Cathie Smith: (624) 143-1212, 105-0300 [email protected] ;
ProPeninsula – Conserving Baja California
To learn more or to make a donation, please contact us. Ph. (619) 574-6643; Fax: (619) 374-7162.
Rotary Club (Club Rotario)
Breakfast meetings are held each Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. at the Hotel Finisterra in Cabo San Lucas. Ph. (624) 173 1188, [email protected]
Volunteer Fire Department
Cuerpo de Bomberos 24-hour emergency calls. Accepting donations and equipment. CSL Ph. (624) 144-4884, 143-9000; SJD Ph. (624) 142-2466;